observing plain

We were in Melbourne last weekend and had an opportunity to see the Andy Warhol exhibition.

With little artistic skill myself, I enjoy the self-expression artists afford in visual mediums.

I believe art challenges us to think differently about our environment. To me Andy Warhol’s  “Soup Cans” addresses how people become numb to their environment through the repetition of what they see and do.

Andy Warhol liked Campbell soup, he said: “I used to have the same lunch every day, for twenty years.”

If you know Andy Warhol, he was not a picture of health; the sameness of his diet would have contributed to his ill health.

The artwork on packaged supermarket foods is what distinguishes one food from another.

Nutritionally, there is little difference amongst processed foods irrespective of the health claims.

With hundreds of brands of ready meals available to us, there is of lack of nutritional diversity.

Eating healthy is a matter of surprising the body because it has evolved to adapt to change.

Wholefoods and meals made from whole foods offer variety, as no two meals prepared at home from base whole foods can be identical.

When food is eaten, the body “codes” the intake to extract and utilise its nutrients; starting with the chewing process, through to the digestion and waste removal.

Packaged, ready, fast food meals, requires little chewing and are quickly processed with a known code.

Ready meals may be mentally exciting; however, the body becomes bored, weary, sick and tired of the same thing and reacts by slowing the metabolism.

If your resolution is to make health and fitness a reality, planning to eat well from whole foods is essential, coupled with regular exercising.

I leave you this week with words by Andy Warhol, who’s art was founded on repetition, and his comfort was in processed food.

Anaemic and undernourished, he died at 58, from complications of a gallbladder operation.


“My fascination with letting images repeat and repeat  – manifests my belief that we spend much of our lives seeing without observing.”


Eat well and live well!

