Coco Chanel

“I am not young but I feel young. The day I feel old, I will go to bed and stay there. J’aime la vie! I feel that to live is a wonderful thing.” (Coco Chanel)

 Our backside, gluteus maximus, “glutes” is the largest muscle in our body and uses the most energy. The trouble is; it is also the first muscle to become “lazy” hence the expression “lazy arse.” Far from being a judgment of self, it is more an expression of Mother Nature’s incredible ability to adapt us to our environment by giving us a soft seat for our comfort.

Today we sit more than we stand tall, the natural consequence of this is the glutes “deactivate” and smaller muscles are recruited for movement. Unfortunately, over time these smaller muscles overdevelop creating imbalances that manifest as joint problems: such as knees, shoulders and back.

Each week at our Shape UP classes, we spend a good deal of time “activating” the glutes and engaging our posterior chain muscles, simply because staying youthful is about being able to stand tall and confident, with strength of purpose for life. Rarely is it a function of chronological age.

If you can move more, you can do and be more at any age. George Bernard Shaw said, “youth is wasted on the young” however he was a writer of fiction! Young in body, mind and spirit is “doing young” that is, being physically active.

Move your behind and youth is before you!

J’aime la vie! (Love life!)
