Whether you realize it or not, your friendships and those you associate with, affect your level of success in every aspect of your life.
We are social creatures irrespective of our personality type. Whether we are introverted or extroverted, the people we spend our focus and energy on influence not only who we are, but how we view our self and ultimately the person we become.
If your goal is to lose weight, become stronger, fitter and healthier, surrounding yourself with like-minded people is your best chance of achieving those goals.
Working through your goals in a fitness program like our Shape-UP program gives you the confidence in a supportive environment to assert your right for your personal fitness.
In the “real” world, we can be confronted by people who are too busy to exercise and feel it necessary to devalue our drive, commitment and true grit in our pursuit of fitness.
In these situations, it is important to appreciate their view by taking a step back to evaluate your relationship with them in terms of how busy you are, and whether you can afford to spend energy that does not move you closer to your goals.
Surrounding yourself with people who will enthusiastically support you in exercise and good health will generate energy with exhilaration!
Each week, I feel blessed to be recharged by your energy and drive, and I sincerely thank you for your positive and uplifting support!
I leave you this week with another quote by May West who rarely suffered the opinions of others.
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
― Mae West
Live Well and Eat Well!
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