The heat has been intense this summer with the temperature reaching record levels.

Many of us in Sydney are unaccustomed to dealing with the heat and exercising therefore becomes tricky.

A morning workout is a great solution, the temperature is not only cooler we are not too tired from our exhausting day of trying to keep our cool.

Nevertheless, there will be nights where it is impossible to sleep for the summer heat, particularly if you do not have air conditioning.

Lack of sleep puts enormous stress on the body to function in the awake state. It, therefore, shuts down nonessential functions, like repair and rejuvenation.

Thankfully, loss of sleep from heat doesn’t last too long here in Sydney, even with the current heat wave –  eventually we can look forward to the cooler nights.


Five tips to beat the effects of hot weather


1. The Cool Look: Loose fitting, light coloured cotton clothing helps with catching the breeze and preventing the body’s sweat from evaporating too quickly. Conserving moisture will keep the body cooler and hydrated.

2. Drinking Water: Hydrating at frequent intervals is critical, if you wait too long you could start to experience headaches, tiredness, dizziness; and cramping, these are some signs of dehydration. Drinking water helps lower your body temperature and replace the fluid you lose through sweating. It should be drunk before you get to the stage of feeling thirsty.

3. Eating Cool Food: Food can keep you cool providing you make the right choices. Choose salads, fresh raw food, vegetables, and fruit. “Cool as a cucumber” is literal; it is 95%  water, providing hydration to keep you cool. Avoid eating meat and protein-heavy foods during the heat of the day because they can increase metabolic heat production, and add to the loss of water. Eating smaller meals also helps keep your core temperature down, because large meals require the body to work harder to digest.

4. Getting In Touch With Nature: Retreat to the shade as much as possible. Relaxing under a tree works very well because trees release water into the air that absorbs some of the heat. The shade will not lower the actual temperature, but being out of the direct sunlight will feel cooler. Animals in a hot climate are often found relaxing under trees. If a breeze comes by, then that can feel like an additional cool bonus!

5. Breathing To Stay Cool. Yoga has a cooling breathing technique, where you roll your tongue and breathe slowly through your mouth and then out through your nose, this helps lower the body’s heat and ease stress.  If you, like me, are not genetically able to roll your tongue, an effective alternative is to slightly purse your lips with your teeth gently close together to breathe in and then out through your nose.  Breathing through the mouth allows your saliva to cool the air you breathe before it enters your lungs. The breath shouldn’t be forced and if you start to feel dizzy, resume breathing normally sitting quietly. This calming practice also helps relax the feelings of agitation caused by feeling too hot!

I leave you this week with cool thoughts and calmness.  All the best with staying cool this weekend!

Live well with fitness
