People have always had a habit of putting things off, and the ancient Greeks even had a word for it: Akrasia. This means doing something you know isn’t the best choice. When you avoid doing important stuff, it takes a toll on your energy and confidence. You start feeling like you’re not in control of your own life, getting frustrated with yourself and losing faith in your ability to get fit.

But there’s a solution: self-awareness. It helps you step back from all the mental clutter and see yourself and your situation clearly. Once you do that, you realize the consequences of not getting your act together with daily exercise.

Here are some simple tips to get started with 9 Minutes of daily exercise:

  1. Plan: Decide the night before when you’ll do your 9-minute workout and get your clothes and workout space ready.
  2. Alarm: Set an alarm for your workout time and look forward to it.
  3. Adjust: If you’re not feeling like exercising, do a 3-minute standing spot march or a seated march.
  4. Note: Write down your workout observation and add one way to improve your exercise effort for the next day. 
  5. Review: Look back on your day, make changes if needed, and go back to step 1.

The goal is clear: stay fit and healthy, knowing that a 9-minute workout is doable and essential for living life with WELLth.

Live well with Health and WELLth!  
Written by Anna: Nutritionist and Exercise Coach