For many, weight loss is the primary reason to start a fitness program yet exercise often feels like a daunting task. The reality is simple but unavoidable: getting fit requires effort, and there’s no shortcut around physical movement.

No matter your motivation to improve your health, building fitness involves consistent, repetitive movement that strengthens your heart and muscles. Every body – without exception – benefits from weight-bearing activities, but in today’s world, where survival no longer depends on physical exertion, the will to start can be a significant barrier.

That’s why even the smallest effort deserves recognition. Each step you take toward fitness sets you apart from the many who neglect their physical and mental well-being. Focusing on effort also offers an immediate reward: the satisfaction and positivity of knowing you’ve taken action now, rather than waiting for some distant, idealized outcome

Start exercising today with our 9 Minute Fitness WELLth program