9 Minute Fitness WELLth Challenge 2023
How Does It Work?
Our 4 Week Fitness WELLth challenge is to exercise Monday to Friday for 9 minutes. If you choose to join our challenge we begin on Monday 2 January 2023. Our 9 minute Fitness WELLth programs (including videos) have been uploaded and can be accessed by clicking the relevant program picture below.
We will start the Challenge with Program 1 on Monday 2 January 2023. Then follow the steps below each week for the 4 weeks of January:
- Download your program for the week and read the exercise instructions for each of the 3 exercises and note the modifications.
- Press the orange bar at the bottom of your downloaded PDF exercise guide to play the 9 minute exercise video
- Watch the video and note how to do the exercises including modifications or progressions
- Exercise Monday to Friday use the 9 minute Fitness WELLth video as your exercise guide and timer.
- Email:anna@squareboxfitness.com if you have any questions or concerns about your 9 Minute exercise program. I will be delighted to help you move closer towards your Fitness WELLth Success!
9 Minute Workouts
Vegetarian Recipes
Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
Program 4
Light bites
Main Meals