Mind Full or Mindful?

Garcilaso de la Vega was Renaissance Spanish poet and wrote:  “Be mindful even when your mind is full”  When we look back on our day with a full “to do list” mind, do we remember what we have done or is it a blur of activity? What we pay attention to grows...

You Only Live Once!

Whether you realize it or not, your friendships and those you associate with, affect your level of success in every aspect of your life. We are social creatures irrespective of our personality type. Whether we are introverted or extroverted, the people we spend our...

Happiness is…..

We can spend our lives in pursuit of happiness and sometimes without realising; happiness is the experience of being fully engaged in life. Happiness is fabricated in the frontal lobe of the brain, specifically the pre-frontal cortex and is a relatively “recent” human...

Winter fitness

Winter is ideal for starting a fitness program. Winter training places less stress on the body’s regulatory system and allows for training at a higher intensity without the rapid onset of heat exhaustion. Many major marathons held in colder months are held for this...

The Comfort Zone

  Never underestimate how difficult it is to leave the comfort zone. It is a place of safety, warmth and familiarity. Nothing “bad” ever happens in our personal comfort zone. In life, we will come across endless possibilities to become healthy, and the first...

The habit of weight gain

Weight loss remains the prominent goal of many people who would like to shape up. Oprah Winfrey provides motivation in her quote: “What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it.” Paradoxically, the focus on weight...