Weight loss remains the prominent goal of many people who would like to shape up. Oprah Winfrey provides motivation in her quote: “What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it.”
Paradoxically, the focus on weight loss results in weight gain. The vicious cycle of starting diets and exercise plans becomes a futile way of life.
Oprah Winfrey is testimony to the yo-yo diet lifestyle. She has had a lifetime of struggle with her weight as many people do.
There is no easy way to control weight. It is hard, very hard, because it comes down to forging with true grit a new way of life that is not only foreign but also frightening.
If regular exercise and good nutrition is not part of your current lifestyle, then your biggest challenge will be to overcome the uncomfortable feeling of doing what seems unnatural.
Habits record as neurological pathways to allow automated responses in muscle for movement to instructions given by the brain. The automation of the response frees the brain to engage in processing new environmental stimuli, which is vital for human growth.
To illustrate my point, please cross your arms in front of you. Now, try to cross them the other way. It should feel incredibly awkward and unnatural. There is no right or wrong way to cross your arms and over time, if you choose to teach your body to cross arms the other way, then it will feel natural too.
Shaping up is as simple as setting neurological pathways by repetition and creating exercise habits that feel natural.
Routine exercise and healthy eating as boring as it sounds, is the holy grail of weight management.
A focus on fitness will see you through thick and thin in achieving your goal. Shape-Up and get into the fitness and good nutrition habit with us!
Eat well and live well!
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