paleoOur human body has not significantly evolved beyond that of Palaeolithic man, in fact; it is the primary justification for the popular Paleo diet. The perplexing philosophy of the modern Paleo diet is that it does not focus on what Paleo people had to do to get their food!

Essentially our “caveman” physiology means that we need to exercise like cave people and not so much eat what they ate, which is neither available or practical. A balanced whole food diet is sufficient for good health and vitality.

The true health benefit of Paleo is a lifestyle characterised by daily prolonged, low-intensity, aerobic-based activities, like walking.  Together with, short duration, high-intensity bursts of activity, like our Square Box Fitness Shape Up Classes!

In 2013, Professor Daniel Boullosa, published his study on the question “Do Olympic athletes train as in the Paleolithic era.” He revealed that athlete performance was enhanced when the training closely resembled the activity patterns of their Paleolithic ancestors.

The “caveman” workout is the “new” thing in the fitness industry. The workout consists of grunting and lifting big boulders, dragging heavy stuff and jumping up and down. I am not sure how relevant it  is to everyday life!

Personally, I prefer a more articulate workout, designed so that our primal bodies can enjoy living with modern comfort. It is true that our physiology has not changed a great deal since caveman; however our intelligence has.

If we are to continue our evolution with success, we must intelligently engage our bodies and adapt to modern convenience with continual physical exertion. The caveman’s struggle was to eat sufficiently, and ours is to exercise unconditionally!


Be fit, be modern

