Tone Up

Has anyone ever wondered what on earth “toned” actually means?

Tone in music is the quality or character of sound, in colour it is quality or shade of a colour.

In Physiology, it is “The normal state of elastic tension or partial contraction in resting muscles.” Alternatively, it is the quality and strength of muscle tissue.

Quality (toned) muscle activates powerful feel good hormones naturally, in fact there is no substance that can be taken to equal their effect on our sense of well-being.

The only side effects are; feeling good, looking good and being good! Further, we are naturally programmed to generate muscle at any age – why then is it so HARD!!!!

The simple answer is, our modern life style sabotages muscle toning in many ways. We are no longer fighting a tangible threat to our survival but rather an intangible psychological one.

The enemy is instant gratification; our only weapon is our conscience will power to resist Mother Nature’s artillery of hormones that flood our psychology with the NEED to have it NOW.

We are fortunate to be living in an era of abundance; however, we find ourselves in constant battle for healthy choice – but choose we must!

Combining healthy wholefood choices with regular resistance exercises will see toned muscles faster than any other fad and impersonal “instant” solutions offered by well paid celebrities.

Tone it UP!
