Exercise is uncomfortable; it requires a certain level of bravery to learn to move in a way that will improve your physical health. Finding courage and challenging yourself to improve your body is rewarding, but leaving your comfort zone can be easier said than done.
We should never underestimate how difficult it is to leave the comfort zone. It is a place of safety and familiarity. Nothing “bad” ever happens in our personal comfort zone.
In life, we will come across endless opportunities to become fit and healthy, and the first thing we meet is the pain of discomfort. If we do not find a way to move with it, we will scurry back to the safety of that comfort zone.
Failed diets and exercise plans become oppressive encumbrances, and eventually, we give up trying to escape our comfort zone. With persistence and determination, we can break free and leave behind the demon “I can’t do it” that makes change impossible.
The boiling frog story cautions people to be vigilant of “comfort” knowing that nothing stays the same, and gradual changes can have dire consequences.
The premise of the myth is: a frog placed in boiling water will jump out, but if placed in cold water that is slowly heated, the frog will not perceive the danger.
The boiling frog story has a horrible ending, but it does not have to be that way for us, in fact, gradual changes towards exercise and healthy eating, have a positive impact on our health and well-being over time.
Take your time and enjoy moving towards better health and fitness download this week’s exercises.
Click here for week 9 online program
Live well with fitness
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