unseen heart Valentine’s day is special at Square Box Fitness because the heart is at the centre of who we are. Both mentally and physically, the heart’s rhythm governs what we do.

Each of us is born and programmed differently through our genes and while we can’t change our genes we can modify the way we use them.

A Denmark study published in 2012 in the Journal of Cell Metabolism showed; vigorous exercise (even if brief) caused structural and chemical changes in the DNA molecules.

In this study, the researchers found the cells increased the activity of certain genes relating to muscles.

One way that cells can control genes is by “turning them off” or masking them, by adding chemical components called the methyl groups, to the DNA.

“Methylation,” is used to slow down or turn off gene production at particular times.

The cell is then free to convert the information stored in DNA into enzymes and proteins, all things needed by muscles to ramp up the burning of calories and oxygen consumption.

The study showed that both exercise and coffee was able to produce DNA methylation in a very short time. However, coffee does not have the long-term benefit of muscle generation.

The style of training we use in our Shape-Up program is known as HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). It was also the technique used in the Denmark study.

High intensity is not the same as high impact, nor is it the same for everyone. The “Rate of Perceived Exertion” of the individual governs the intensity.

Our program aims to help you reach and work within your individual Vigorous Zone 4.

The important point of our program is that you may not see the results instantaneously – you will feel them.

Exercising is both frightening and exciting.  Stepping out of the comfort zone of a  “Wana Be” fit into a world of regular exercising is daunting.

Take courage Shapers, our program is delivered with love and care; we are here to help you on your fitness journey.

When you leave our workout for the day, know that the magic of our fitness program is working its way into every cell of your body.

Quietly, it is restoring your youth and vitality; you can’t see it, but your body loves you for your exercising.

If you have not as yet made it to our classes this year, come and experience our new program – it is different!

I leave you this week with thoughts of the unseen love of exercise.


The best things in life are unseen.

That’s why we close our eyes when

We kiss, laugh and dream.

Happy Valentine’s day every BODY!

Live well and eat well!

