We all know exercise improves our physical health and our physique, trims our waistline, and add years to our life, but that is not what motivates most people to stay active.
People who exercise regularly do so because it gives them an enormous sense of wellbeing. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives.
Mostly, people who regularly exercise have a community that identifies with them, a home away from home, that understands and shares the pressures of everyday life and will support them in times of need.
The Shape-UP program promotes fitness as a way of life, of belonging to a group and having a caring sense for our community of exercisers.
We believe that exercise should be flexible, affordable and available to everyone. In this spirit, we will continue in 2016, to offer complimentary online programs and simplify our pricing structure for our onsite classes.
We at Square Box Fitness sincerely value your commitment to exercise and do not want to profit from unforeseeable circumstances that prevent you from coming to class.
We have always believed that by removing as many obstacles as possible, we can help you achieve a natural and enjoyable exercise experience that is part of your life.
Consistent regular exercise develops your ability to be better than you were yesterday, both mentally and physically. There is no secret to improving fitness; it is simply exercising and eating well daily.
I leave you this week with thoughts of our exercise community and of wellbeing, knowing that when we unite ourselves with our highest nature, we will harmonise with each other and the world around us.
When “I” is replaced with “WE” even ILLNESS becomes WELLNESS
Eat well! Live well!
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