Many people have come to understand “self discipline” as a punishment and not an aspiring virtue.

However to achieve your goal for physical fitness requires some level of positive self-discipline in daily exercise. The reward for the investment of self-discipline is living your life with the freedom given to you by a healthy body.

Allowing yourself to be seduced by the “feel good” of sedentary living will make it difficult, if not impossible, to believe in the health benefits of daily exercise.

Questioning your life without exercise or understanding the consequences of lack of exercise does not improve your physical fitness. There is comfort in “knowing the benefits of exercise”, but exercise intelligence is worthless without its application.

For example; understanding the theory of swimming will not make you a swimmer; it is the practice of swimming that teach the muscles to move through the water.

Improving your physical fitness requires applying self-control and regulating your feelings, beliefs and thoughts to action daily exercise.

You know you can exercise for 9 minutes each day, and it is the day-to-day exercise experience that teach you how to build a strong, fit and confident body for life!

Live well with Health and WELLth!  

Written by Anna: Nutritionist and Exercise Coach