Self-talk is our most powerful voice. It will empower or defeat us. Therefore it is essential to be careful what we say to ourselves because our self is listening…

This week I found myself questioning my sanity.  I heard voices I couldn’t recognise, and I believed my life stressors were causing my descent into madness…

Great relief came when I realised the “voices” were coming from the class video that I failed to mute on the recording. I’m still puzzled about why I preferred to believe I was going mad rather than apply reason to what I was hearing…

Catastrophising  is a form of ‘cognitive distortion.’ It causes a person to see an unfavourable outcome and then react as if it had already happened.

A cognitive distortion is our brain’s way of “filling in the blank” on uncertainty. It can be helpful if put into perspective and dangerous if allowed to exaggerate beyond reason.

I often see catastrophising in people who are new to their exercise program. Minor setbacks spiral out of control, and negative self-talk sabotages their return to their program.

Here are some strategies that can help put your worry to rest:

  • Question your thoughts – How probable is the perceived disaster?
  • Note down your thoughts – Look for patterns and develop strategies.
  • Create time to worry – Limit the session to say 30 minutes a day.
  • Break the habit of problem dwelling – Focus attention on addressing realistic solutions.
  • Accept uncertainty – Do what is possible in the present.

No one can predict the future; however, daily exercise gives us the strength and wellbeing to manage whatever comes our way. Start exercising today with access to your 9-minute workout link below.

Live well with Health and WELLth!  

Written by Anna: Nutritionist and Exercise Coach